Environmental Policy

Last updated: 1st September, 2022

Rooost recognises the legal and regulatory requirements and responsibilities to the environment. We are committed to reducing our environmental impact and continually improving our environmental performance as an integral part of our business strategy and operating methods.

We also encourage customers, suppliers and key stakeholders to do the same. We endeavour to:
  • Comply with and exceed all relevant regulatory requirements
  • Continually improve and monitor environmental performance
  • Continually improve and reduce environmental impacts
  • Incorporate environmental factors into business decisions
  • Increase employee, partner and customer awareness and training


Energy and water

  • We use British Gas (gas), Corona Energy (electric) and Water Plus to supply utilities to our premises.
  • British Gas provides:
    • Gas backed by Renewable Gas Guarantee of Origin (RGGO) certificates
    • Carbon neutral gas backed by a combination of RGGOs and carbon offset certificates
  • Corona Energy provides renewable electricity supply that is REGO verified – Ofgem’s Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin. This ensures for every unit of power supplied, a generator produces an equivalent amount of green electricity.
  • Lights and electrical equipment are switched off when not in use
  • Heating is adjusted with energy consumption in mind, we use a thermostat to enable intelligent scheduling
  • The energy consumption and efficiency of new products will be taken into account when purchasing

Water Plus have a Net Zero ambition and Cleaner Climate Promise – taking action to reduce carbon emissions and impact – while supporting renewable energy projects and innovation.  

Travel and commuting

  • We request staff to consider the environmental impact of business travel and to always evaluate the necessity of such trips
  • Where travel is unavoidable we prefer the use of public transport or sustainable means, such as cycling, where possible
  • Our office is a ten minute walk to Leamington Spa railway station and we encourage visitors to make use of public transport
  • We promote the use of travel alternatives such as video/phone conferencing


Office supplies

  • We will evaluate if the need can be met in another way
  • We will evaluate if renting/sharing is an option before purchasing capital equipment
  • We will evaluate the environmental impact of any new products we intend to purchase
  • We evaluate the merits of buying equipment that can be repaired and sustained
  • We will favour more environmentally friendly and efficient products wherever possible
  • We encourage staff to minimise printing; print on both sides of the paper and to print in black only where possible
  • We will reuse, repair and recycle everything we are able to
  • When using delivery services, we consolidate orders to minimise transportation and packaging


Maintenance, cleaning and recycling

  • Cleaning materials used will be as environmentally friendly as possible
  • Materials used in office refurbishment will be as environmentally friendly as possible
  • We will only use licensed and appropriate organisations to dispose of waste
  • Distinct bins are provided throughout the premises to separate recyclable and non-recyclable waste
  • General waste and recyclable waste bins are located on each floor of the building and the contents are disposed into separate loads, for collection by an accredited waste processor
  • Where practical and economically viable, we will repair rather than replace


Food, drink and hospitality, sustenance – we:

  • Encourage healthy eating
  • Provide fresh fruit snacks provided by a local sources where possible
  • Prefer to use local catering suppliers where possible and economically viable
  • Buy ingredients and refreshments in bulk where we can save on packaging and waste
  • Encourage staff to consider the environmental footprint of the suppliers used for hospitality and sustenance during off-site meetings
  • Paper and communication – we will:
    • Minimise the use of paper in the office
    • Reduce packaging as much as possible
    • Seek to buy recycled and recyclable paper products
    • Reuse and recycle all paper where possible


Culture – we will:

  • We will involve staff in the implementation of this policy, for greater commitment and improved performance
  • We will update this policy at least once annually in consultation with staff and other stakeholders where necessary
  • We will provide staff with relevant environmental training
  • We will work with suppliers, contractors and sub-contractors to improve their environmental performance
  • Where possible (and balanced with cost, suitability and efficiency) we will use local labour and materials to reduce CO2 and help the community

Environmental Policy

Last updated: 1st September, 2022

Rooost recognises the legal and regulatory requirements and responsibilities to the environment. We are committed to reducing our environmental impact and continually improving our environmental performance as an integral part of our business strategy and operating methods.

We also encourage customers, suppliers and key stakeholders to do the same. We endeavour to:
  • Comply with and exceed all relevant regulatory requirements
  • Continually improve and monitor environmental performance
  • Continually improve and reduce environmental impacts
  • Incorporate environmental factors into business decisions
  • Increase employee, partner and customer awareness and training


Energy and water

  • We use British Gas (gas), Corona Energy (electric) and Water Plus to supply utilities to our premises.
  • British Gas provides:
    • Gas backed by Renewable Gas Guarantee of Origin (RGGO) certificates
    • Carbon neutral gas backed by a combination of RGGOs and carbon offset certificates
  • Corona Energy provides renewable electricity supply that is REGO verified – Ofgem’s Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin. This ensures for every unit of power supplied, a generator produces an equivalent amount of green electricity.
  • Lights and electrical equipment are switched off when not in use
  • Heating is adjusted with energy consumption in mind, we use a thermostat to enable intelligent scheduling
  • The energy consumption and efficiency of new products will be taken into account when purchasing

Water Plus have a Net Zero ambition and Cleaner Climate Promise – taking action to reduce carbon emissions and impact – while supporting renewable energy projects and innovation.  

Travel and commuting

  • We request staff to consider the environmental impact of business travel and to always evaluate the necessity of such trips
  • Where travel is unavoidable we prefer the use of public transport or sustainable means, such as cycling, where possible
  • Our office is a ten minute walk to Leamington Spa railway station and we encourage visitors to make use of public transport
  • We promote the use of travel alternatives such as video/phone conferencing


Office supplies

  • We will evaluate if the need can be met in another way
  • We will evaluate if renting/sharing is an option before purchasing capital equipment
  • We will evaluate the environmental impact of any new products we intend to purchase
  • We evaluate the merits of buying equipment that can be repaired and sustained
  • We will favour more environmentally friendly and efficient products wherever possible
  • We encourage staff to minimise printing; print on both sides of the paper and to print in black only where possible
  • We will reuse, repair and recycle everything we are able to
  • When using delivery services, we consolidate orders to minimise transportation and packaging


Maintenance, cleaning and recycling

  • Cleaning materials used will be as environmentally friendly as possible
  • Materials used in office refurbishment will be as environmentally friendly as possible
  • We will only use licensed and appropriate organisations to dispose of waste
  • Distinct bins are provided throughout the premises to separate recyclable and non-recyclable waste
  • General waste and recyclable waste bins are located on each floor of the building and the contents are disposed into separate loads, for collection by an accredited waste processor
  • Where practical and economically viable, we will repair rather than replace


Food, drink and hospitality, sustenance – we:

  • Encourage healthy eating
  • Provide fresh fruit snacks provided by a local sources where possible
  • Prefer to use local catering suppliers where possible and economically viable
  • Buy ingredients and refreshments in bulk where we can save on packaging and waste
  • Encourage staff to consider the environmental footprint of the suppliers used for hospitality and sustenance during off-site meetings
  • Paper and communication – we will:
    • Minimise the use of paper in the office
    • Reduce packaging as much as possible
    • Seek to buy recycled and recyclable paper products
    • Reuse and recycle all paper where possible


Culture – we will:

  • We will involve staff in the implementation of this policy, for greater commitment and improved performance
  • We will update this policy at least once annually in consultation with staff and other stakeholders where necessary
  • We will provide staff with relevant environmental training
  • We will work with suppliers, contractors and sub-contractors to improve their environmental performance
  • Where possible (and balanced with cost, suitability and efficiency) we will use local labour and materials to reduce CO2 and help the community
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